@futurebird No, that's actual speed.

Sadly, our cat caught an anole today. -
Sadly, our cat caught an anole today.@futurebird Your comment about social carrying makes me think the ants so efficiently moving the fallen filament of a lily in this music video I made for a friend are also Paratrechina longicornis. I took the footage in a different house, also in Mérida.
Sadly, our cat caught an anole today.@futurebird Here's a video of the first group. (This is my first time posting a video straight to Mastodon. Let me know if it doesn't come through properly.)
Sadly, our cat caught an anole today.@futurebird Update: The tail is still in the same area. The ants who were moving it must have given up. And a new species has moved in, now that it's after dark. Smaller.
Sadly, our cat caught an anole today.@futurebird The ants are in Mérida, Yucatán. A little larger than the ants I'm most familiar with from growing up in the Midwest.
Sadly, our cat caught an anole today.Sadly, our cat caught an anole today. It shed its tail, but Kitty Lenore was focused on her quarry and walked off with the tailless lizard in her mouth. Fortunately, she doesn't seem to know she can eat a lizard. She dropped it, it shot off, and it escaped under the door to our laundry room -- to live on, I hope.
Not long thereafter, I found that ants were carrying the tail up a nearby wall!