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Sending a private message without cc causes a 500 error
wrote 21 days ago last edited byFYI the next Lemmy version will use `Create/Note` for private messages. You can test it on voyager.lemmy.ml https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/pull/5221
FYI the next Lemmy version will use `Create/Note` for private messages. You can test it on voyager.lemmy.ml https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/pull/5221wrote 21 days ago last edited by[@nutomic@lemmy.ml](https://community.nodebb.org/user/nutomic%40lemmy.ml) thanks for the update! That's awesome to hear
wrote 21 days ago last edited by[@julian](https://community.nodebb.org/user/julian) I've added support to PieFed to successfully receive Create / Note as a PM from NodeBB. From Nutomic's PR, it looks like you'll continue you get Create / ChatMessage from them, as also you will from PieFed. This currently fails, as I guess that it converts them into a Create / Note, but then complains of there being no 'cc'. It doesn't make sense for PMs to be 'carbon copied' to anyone, so I'll raise an Issue at your repo.
wrote 21 days ago last edited by[@freamon](https://community.nodebb.org/user/freamon) thanks! Happy to look into handling `Create(ChatMessage)`... I think the error aside, NodeBB would drop it anyway since `ChatMessage` isn't an expected post type.
wrote 21 days ago last edited by[@julian](https://community.nodebb.org/user/julian) Oh, I've just realised I read Nutomic's PR the wrong way around. After 2.0, you'll start getting Notes from them. If 'ChatMessage' processing isn't worth handling by NodeBB, I can change PieFed to send you Notes instead.
wrote 17 days ago last edited by[@freamon](https://community.nodebb.org/user/freamon) As others have said, ChatMessage is non-standard. The Create/Note is not particularly great for private messages, but whatever. Anyway, cc is not a required field of Note nor Create, so any software that would complain has a bug.
wrote 17 days ago last edited by[@rikudou](https://community.nodebb.org/user/rikudou) Yeah, sorry, I didn't mean to derail this thread. The GitHub issue was intended to only really be about the 'cc' problem, because it looks like PieFed will have to start sending Create/Note to non-Lemmy platforms anyway, but it'd easier if 'cc' doesn't have to be artificially included to keep NodeBB happy.
wrote 17 days ago last edited by[@freamon](https://community.nodebb.org/user/freamon) [@rikudou](https://community.nodebb.org/user/rikudou) https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues/13202
wrote 16 days ago last edited byIn a bit of code that is too clever for my own good, I collapse `to` and `cc` into a single deduplicated array with: `const recipients = new Set([...object.to, ...object.cc]);` Which of course assumes that both properties are iterable. That has now been changed to an even clever-er (and less readable): `const recipients = new Set([...(object.to || []), ...(object.cc || [])]);`
wrote 16 days ago last edited by[@julian](https://community.nodebb.org/user/julian) Wouldn't `??` be better?
wrote 16 days ago last edited by[@rikudou](https://community.nodebb.org/user/rikudou) maybe? Nullish coalescing sounds really cool, but I've avoided it for years because of browser compatibility. Node has had support forever (since v14, I've discovered), but I just don't know how to use it is all