Harvested some carrots I planted in 2024 and had forgotten about.
Harvested some carrots I planted in 2024 and had forgotten about. I think they were 'Parijse Markt 4," a packet I found in a cute garden store at the Amsterdam airport a few years ago. Sous vided for 90 mins, then sautéed in a cast-iron skillet with butter and maple syrup. #carrots #daucus #gardening #cooking
Harvested some carrots I planted in 2024 and had forgotten about. I think they were 'Parijse Markt 4," a packet I found in a cute garden store at the Amsterdam airport a few years ago. Sous vided for 90 mins, then sautéed in a cast-iron skillet with butter and maple syrup. #carrots #daucus #gardening #cooking
I never really liked carrots much until I started growing my own on our roof garden. They have a freshness, and "green flavor" when you use them only a day or so after harvesting ... Anyway I just know these were awesome.