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Dutch consumer foundation sues Sony for overpricing digital PlayStation games
I sell games, sir, because I’m not made out of money. I buy digital too but it’s impossible with most AAA titles these days. I mean, I’d say it was your money to spend how you like, but Steam monopoly means games are more expensive than they need to be and you’re kidding yourself if you think otherwise.wrote 21 days ago last edited bySteam doesn't have a monopoly, they have a massive market share that they don't abuse. Even on their own platform (Steam Deck), they went out of their way to allow competition by giving access to desktop mode, and you can add non-Steam games to the Steam app, which means I get all the nice platform features from Steam in my EGS and GOG games (Steam Input, Proton, etc). There's nothing stopping anyone from switching to a competitor, like EGS, GOG, or any of the publisher-specific platforms. EGS even takes a smaller cut, so they can afford to sell games for less, yet they largely don't. PlayStation and Xbox are completely separate platforms, yet prices are similar to Steam, and usually higher for older games. Valve doesn't set prices, publishers do. If you don't like prices, complain to the publishers, not Valve. You really need to qualify your argument here that Valve somehow caused higher prices. In fact, if you look at game prices *before* Steam and adjust for inflation, games are cheaper now.
Steam doesn't have a monopoly, they have a massive market share that they don't abuse. Even on their own platform (Steam Deck), they went out of their way to allow competition by giving access to desktop mode, and you can add non-Steam games to the Steam app, which means I get all the nice platform features from Steam in my EGS and GOG games (Steam Input, Proton, etc). There's nothing stopping anyone from switching to a competitor, like EGS, GOG, or any of the publisher-specific platforms. EGS even takes a smaller cut, so they can afford to sell games for less, yet they largely don't. PlayStation and Xbox are completely separate platforms, yet prices are similar to Steam, and usually higher for older games. Valve doesn't set prices, publishers do. If you don't like prices, complain to the publishers, not Valve. You really need to qualify your argument here that Valve somehow caused higher prices. In fact, if you look at game prices *before* Steam and adjust for inflation, games are cheaper now.wrote 21 days ago last edited byValve sets their cut at 30%. Would it be this high if Valve had competition? Would games cost the same if the cut was 10%? Why is it so high in the first place? What’s being offered in return?
Valve sets their cut at 30%. Would it be this high if Valve had competition? Would games cost the same if the cut was 10%? Why is it so high in the first place? What’s being offered in return?wrote 21 days ago last edited byThey _do_ have competition, and apparently publishers are willing to pay that fee. Also, it's more like 20-25% for larger games (IIRC 25% for sales >$10M, 20% for sales >$50M). I think GOG is still 30%, and [they seem to be losing money even with that cut](https://www.theverge.com/2021/11/29/22808199/cd-projekt-gog-losses-restructuring-earnings-2021), and [EGS apparently _still_ isn't profitable](https://www.theverge.com/23945184/epic-v-google-fortnite-play-store-antitrust-trial-updates), so I really don't think 12% is sustainable. Valve _might_ be able to do it, but that's because they have massive market share. > Why is it so high in the first place? What’s being offered in return? - marketing - Steam platform features for users (e.g. Steam Input), Steamworks for developers (e.g. DRM, multiplayer, achievements, etc), and things like SteamVR - platform support (e.g. Proton for Linux, Linux driver development, etc) - devs don't need to do anything to support Steam Deck - regional pricing - so publishers don't need to think about it If publishers felt they were being ripped off, they could go elsewhere. We've actually seen some big names go off and make their own platform to keep more of the revenue, but then they came back. It turns out Steam offers a fantastic service for users, publishers, and developers. Other platforms like EGS and GOG don't offer anything _close_ to what Steam offers, which is probably why Steam still retains a massive marketshare without doing anything anti-competitive like paying for exclusives or bribing users w/ free games. They literally just offer a premium service and charge market rates for it.
They _do_ have competition, and apparently publishers are willing to pay that fee. Also, it's more like 20-25% for larger games (IIRC 25% for sales >$10M, 20% for sales >$50M). I think GOG is still 30%, and [they seem to be losing money even with that cut](https://www.theverge.com/2021/11/29/22808199/cd-projekt-gog-losses-restructuring-earnings-2021), and [EGS apparently _still_ isn't profitable](https://www.theverge.com/23945184/epic-v-google-fortnite-play-store-antitrust-trial-updates), so I really don't think 12% is sustainable. Valve _might_ be able to do it, but that's because they have massive market share. > Why is it so high in the first place? What’s being offered in return? - marketing - Steam platform features for users (e.g. Steam Input), Steamworks for developers (e.g. DRM, multiplayer, achievements, etc), and things like SteamVR - platform support (e.g. Proton for Linux, Linux driver development, etc) - devs don't need to do anything to support Steam Deck - regional pricing - so publishers don't need to think about it If publishers felt they were being ripped off, they could go elsewhere. We've actually seen some big names go off and make their own platform to keep more of the revenue, but then they came back. It turns out Steam offers a fantastic service for users, publishers, and developers. Other platforms like EGS and GOG don't offer anything _close_ to what Steam offers, which is probably why Steam still retains a massive marketshare without doing anything anti-competitive like paying for exclusives or bribing users w/ free games. They literally just offer a premium service and charge market rates for it.wrote 21 days ago last edited byValve building their own Android for games is not beneficial to Linux. I don’t know how many times do you guys need to be surprised. > If publishers felt they were being ripped off, they could go elsewhere They must be perfectly happy with those 30% then! It’s not that gamers sit out any non-Steam exclusive. I’m not going to argue any further because it’s pointless. I wanted you to learn on somebody else’s mistakes but you’re very set on repeating them yourself before that.
Valve building their own Android for games is not beneficial to Linux. I don’t know how many times do you guys need to be surprised. > If publishers felt they were being ripped off, they could go elsewhere They must be perfectly happy with those 30% then! It’s not that gamers sit out any non-Steam exclusive. I’m not going to argue any further because it’s pointless. I wanted you to learn on somebody else’s mistakes but you’re very set on repeating them yourself before that.wrote 21 days ago last edited by> Valve building their own Android for games is not beneficial to Linux. I don’t know how many times do you guys need to be surprised. ? When did I suggest they did anything of the sort? SteamOS is just Linux running Steam in Big Picture mode in a separate virtual desktop from desktop mode, with the root fs in read-only mode to prevent users from bricking it by tinkering. That's it, you can get pretty much the same thing with [Bazzite](https://bazzite.gg/). I use Linux on my desktop (openSUSE Tumbleweed), and games run the same as on my Steam Deck, but I could also get the same setup as SteamOS if I used something like openSUSE Kalpa (KDE) or Aeon (GNOME), which also has a read-only filesystem. > I’m not going to argue any further because it’s pointless Well yeah, because every point you've brought up is either wrong or completely overblown. I really don't understand what "mistakes" you're talking about. Steam offers a great service, better than everyone else. If that stops being true, I'll buy my games on another service. I was just fine w/o Steam for years when I first switched to Linux, and I'll be just fine w/o Steam if they ever screw the pooch. For now, they have an excellent service for users, publishers, and developers, and their competition is subpar for all three. I have hundreds of free games from EGS and hundreds of games on GOG, so I won't be hurting for something to play if Steam ever decides to go evil. But for now, I'm getting _really_ good value for the money I spend, because gaming on my OS of choice is _way_ better thanks to Valve's investment, and I have no problem rewarding that.
Alan Wake 2 is a great example because it’s a game with both critical and popular acclaim that will be remembered years from now. Despite this, people decided to ignore it - they couldn’t be bothered with alternatives. Most of you claim those games on EGS so you don’t even have to make an account. This means that the platform now has such a high impact on what you consume that you’re going to skip on one of the best games of the year even though all that stops you is that it’s not in Steam. That’s a terrifying amount of power that people aren’t bothered by even though we’re talking about company that’s smug about selling gambling to children.wrote 21 days ago last edited byThat's exactly my point, you are taking the stance that people didn't buy alan wake because it wasn't on steam, to a degree that's true, i'm saying that i think a larger proportion didn't buy it specifically because it **was** on EGS. If it were released as a game you could buy and play sans-platform, then i'd agree with you. It'd certainly see less sales than a steam release, because steam is where everyone is. My stance is basically if you remove steam entirely, Standalone Sales > EGS. Add steam back in and you get Steam > Standalone > EGS Think in terms of food, you're basically saying the it's the fault of the 3.5 star monopolistic countrywide chain fast food place that nobody want's to eat at the recently health-inspection-failing 1 star food-poisoning cafe. Is there a monopoly, sure, is the competition so bad people avoid it regardless of the monopoly, also yes. If you were using something like GOG as an example, i'd fully agree with you, but EGS has seemingly infinite funds and they **still** managed to release something so bad nobody wants to use it, even for "free" games. It's not even just the platform, epic as a company have a reputation, so they have to also overcome that, which they have not. > That’s a terrifying amount of power that people aren’t bothered by Historically there's been no need to be worried, generally, i agree that's not ideal, but again name a viable comparable alternative. > even though we’re talking about company that’s smug about selling gambling to children. You mean as opposed to the company that actually lost a class action regarding loot boxes in their game targeted at children? You aren't even wrong about this but "People don't buy games from this company who famously lost a lawsuit regarding gambling targeted at kids because this other company who also do sketchy kids gambling things are ..better at PR?" isn't a convincing argument. Everyone should be better at this, but they aren't.
I still remember when AAA games where $30 and that cost included the disk and case, sure inflation is a thing but with digital only these games still should be cheaper, not the same or more expensive than a physical copy.wrote 20 days ago last edited byFor the longest time, they couldn't undercut physical MSRP with digital MSRP because they didn't want to upset Walmart and have them stop stocking their wares.
Private company is not a subject to many regulations and duties that a public company has to adhere to, mostly on external reporting. How much do you know about Valve? What’s their profit for 2023?wrote 20 days ago last edited byYou mean the regulations that force public companies to prioritize shareholder profit over all other concerns?
Isn’t it effectively the same on PC but just voluntary? Nobody buys stuff outside Steam so they can do whatever they want. Long gone are deep discounts and you have to hunt for good deals on key shops.wrote 20 days ago last edited byYou’re getting downvoted but you’re (almost) right. There are other platforms especially GOG which allows to download DRM free installers, but most of the people have no clue about this.
You’re getting downvoted but you’re (almost) right. There are other platforms especially GOG which allows to download DRM free installers, but most of the people have no clue about this.wrote 18 days ago last edited byWe know about GOG but most Dev Studios avoid it like the plague for some reason. Couldn't possibly be related to DRM money.