The proper name of a place to buy a slice is “Pizza $1.50” no Italians, no other names required.
The proper name of a place to buy a slice is “Pizza $1.50” no Italians, no other names required. It’s like a chain that’s not a chain. All the pizza shops are connected and oh! they are ancient: when I stop for lunch by the aqueduct eating fast food from a little street shop I do one better than all those boys who can’t stop thinking about The Fall of the Roman Empire: I am, I become for a moment a *roman*, urban, harried, sophisticated and hungry for street pizza.
The proper name of a place to buy a slice is “Pizza $1.50” no Italians, no other names required. It’s like a chain that’s not a chain. All the pizza shops are connected and oh! they are ancient: when I stop for lunch by the aqueduct eating fast food from a little street shop I do one better than all those boys who can’t stop thinking about The Fall of the Roman Empire: I am, I become for a moment a *roman*, urban, harried, sophisticated and hungry for street pizza.
I shouldn't assume people know: You see there were fast food shops in ancient Rome. They had a very similar layout to a NYC pizza place, although they mostly sold bread with olive oil, not pizza exactly.
But they had no seating, a little counter, oven in the back. Those florescent lights that make all times of day and night collapse into the same endless moment didn't exist back then. But they must have had some other method of bending time in those days of smoke and oracles.
F myrmepropagandist shared this topic
The proper name of a place to buy a slice is “Pizza $1.50” no Italians, no other names required. It’s like a chain that’s not a chain. All the pizza shops are connected and oh! they are ancient: when I stop for lunch by the aqueduct eating fast food from a little street shop I do one better than all those boys who can’t stop thinking about The Fall of the Roman Empire: I am, I become for a moment a *roman*, urban, harried, sophisticated and hungry for street pizza.
@futurebird imagining new york pizza places existing before european contact. The Lenape people are not sure where to get “$1.50” but know that a delicious pizza awaits when they do. Nobody questions this arrangement for the Pizza $1.50 are as old as the land itself
@futurebird imagining new york pizza places existing before european contact. The Lenape people are not sure where to get “$1.50” but know that a delicious pizza awaits when they do. Nobody questions this arrangement for the Pizza $1.50 are as old as the land itself
This area was such a nice place to come live seasonally and hunt and fish, it was a verdant paradise with maximal wildlife diversity. I think even my non-survival educated self could have found a thing to eat in these islands. You could get around with a little boat once you learned the tides no rowing!
The Lenape like to keep it that way and not let it get too rundown and overburdened. Managed it like a state park with hunting limits and such.
But, nothing stays exclusive forever.
I shouldn't assume people know: You see there were fast food shops in ancient Rome. They had a very similar layout to a NYC pizza place, although they mostly sold bread with olive oil, not pizza exactly.
But they had no seating, a little counter, oven in the back. Those florescent lights that make all times of day and night collapse into the same endless moment didn't exist back then. But they must have had some other method of bending time in those days of smoke and oracles.
@futurebird Since tomatoes didn't get to Italy from North America until the mid 1500s, bread with olive oil was pretty good.
@futurebird Since tomatoes didn't get to Italy from North America until the mid 1500s, bread with olive oil was pretty good.
I really think if you grabbed a random Roman and NYCer and swapped them in time they would be very confused. But NOT as confused as you'd expect.
I really think if you grabbed a random Roman and NYCer and swapped them in time they would be very confused. But NOT as confused as you'd expect.
@futurebird @CStamp There's an anime (Thermae Romae Nova) where an ancient Roman guy who designs bath houses gets sporadically teleported to and from a public bath in modern Japan. He's confused (shouting at people in Latin), but one of the other bath customers is really nice to him and hangs out with him, and he discovers commonalities between the Japanese baths and his own, and when he goes back to Rome he applies features from the future bath houses to his next designs. So same vibe.
The proper name of a place to buy a slice is “Pizza $1.50” no Italians, no other names required. It’s like a chain that’s not a chain. All the pizza shops are connected and oh! they are ancient: when I stop for lunch by the aqueduct eating fast food from a little street shop I do one better than all those boys who can’t stop thinking about The Fall of the Roman Empire: I am, I become for a moment a *roman*, urban, harried, sophisticated and hungry for street pizza.
@futurebird The Southwest US equivalent is the *berto's. Mexican fast food, always named Alberto's, Roberto's, Filiberto's, etc. Sometimes two of the same name will be owned by the same owner, sometimes they're completely unrelated. Yet they always have the exact same menu.