I couldn't be happier about our progress in 2025!
I couldn't be happier about our progress in 2025!
- 400K new users joined Pixelfed
- 14k users joined Loops
- Reached #6 on the App Store on launch
- Kickstarter campaign reached goal in 24h
- Pixelfed.art became the largest art server
- Growing our team
- Preparing the huge Loops launchAmazing things can happen when you remain focused and keep building
F myrmepropagandist shared this topic
I couldn't be happier about our progress in 2025!
- 400K new users joined Pixelfed
- 14k users joined Loops
- Reached #6 on the App Store on launch
- Kickstarter campaign reached goal in 24h
- Pixelfed.art became the largest art server
- Growing our team
- Preparing the huge Loops launchAmazing things can happen when you remain focused and keep building
One thing that can be hard to convey about alternate social media is that 10k users is literally just about ten thousand human people, many active, with opinions and neat stuff to share. We just don't have the traditional user number inflation expected in "the industry" ...