"#Germany’s #Habeck slams ‘#tech #oligarch’ #Musk, calls for a #European #X" / #Twitter
@benroyce @RoguePlayer @tinydoctor @sirjofri @Nigel_Lake @paninid and this is a problem. If people just want something to work, and for free, then they'll have to wait a long time for that. The problem with "free" in this context is, and I know this is more preaching to the choir, YOU are the product. Your life, your information, your choices, your family and friends. All for sale. I have made my choice, and I am all but done with META. Just need to get contact for a few peeps and I'm out.
@csgraves @benroyce @RoguePlayer @tinydoctor @sirjofri @Nigel_Lake
Social media is where pamphleteering meets website management.
John Hancock got wealthy smuggling to avoid customs duties to the Crown.
He funneled that money back into underwriting a revolution.
A revolution that relied on pamphleteering and the printing presses of private individuals (see: Ben Franklin).
@csgraves @benroyce @RoguePlayer @tinydoctor @sirjofri @Nigel_Lake
Social media is where pamphleteering meets website management.
John Hancock got wealthy smuggling to avoid customs duties to the Crown.
He funneled that money back into underwriting a revolution.
A revolution that relied on pamphleteering and the printing presses of private individuals (see: Ben Franklin).
@paninid @csgraves @RoguePlayer @tinydoctor @sirjofri @Nigel_Lake
and hancock's signature was extraordinary. sitting out there so large and bold and classy
@paninid @csgraves @RoguePlayer @tinydoctor @sirjofri @Nigel_Lake
and hancock's signature was extraordinary. sitting out there so large and bold and classy
@benroyce @csgraves @RoguePlayer @tinydoctor @sirjofri @Nigel_Lake
so that “the British ministry can read that name without spectacles”
@benroyce @csgraves @RoguePlayer @tinydoctor @sirjofri @Nigel_Lake
so that “the British ministry can read that name without spectacles”
@paninid @benroyce @csgraves @RoguePlayer @tinydoctor @sirjofri @Nigel_Lake
Is it not clear by now that the good guys actually lost the American Revolution?
@paninid @benroyce @csgraves @RoguePlayer @tinydoctor @sirjofri @Nigel_Lake
Is it not clear by now that the good guys actually lost the American Revolution?
@paninid @benroyce @csgraves @RoguePlayer @tinydoctor @sirjofri @Nigel_Lake
I often ask my history students here if they know how many people died in the Canadian War of Independence. It's a trick question--we just asked for it at the right time and then negotiated like gentlemen. Apparently none of the founders ever considered that option.
@paninid @benroyce @csgraves @RoguePlayer @tinydoctor @sirjofri @Nigel_Lake
I often ask my history students here if they know how many people died in the Canadian War of Independence. It's a trick question--we just asked for it at the right time and then negotiated like gentlemen. Apparently none of the founders ever considered that option.
@sendtherunners @benroyce @csgraves @RoguePlayer @tinydoctor @sirjofri @Nigel_Lake
The #American ethos is - and has always been - to #BeUngovernable 🫡
@sendtherunners @benroyce @csgraves @RoguePlayer @tinydoctor @sirjofri @Nigel_Lake
The #American ethos is - and has always been - to #BeUngovernable 🫡
@paninid @benroyce @csgraves @RoguePlayer @tinydoctor @sirjofri @Nigel_Lake
An alternate version of that slogan would be "proudly barbaric."
Appreciate you, brother. This is all friendly banter before a high stakes hockey game tonight...
@paninid @benroyce @csgraves @RoguePlayer @tinydoctor @sirjofri @Nigel_Lake
I often ask my history students here if they know how many people died in the Canadian War of Independence. It's a trick question--we just asked for it at the right time and then negotiated like gentlemen. Apparently none of the founders ever considered that option.
@sendtherunners @paninid @csgraves @RoguePlayer @tinydoctor @sirjofri @Nigel_Lake
the usa exists because of the quebec act of 1774
british colonists were incensed at concessions made to french colonists to win their loyalty. the british govt didn't consider the loyalty of someone else
based on that observation, the fate of all of north america was decided in one hour on sept 13 1759:
@sendtherunners @paninid @csgraves @RoguePlayer @tinydoctor @sirjofri @Nigel_Lake
the usa exists because of the quebec act of 1774
british colonists were incensed at concessions made to french colonists to win their loyalty. the british govt didn't consider the loyalty of someone else
based on that observation, the fate of all of north america was decided in one hour on sept 13 1759:
@benroyce @sendtherunners @paninid @RoguePlayer @tinydoctor @sirjofri @Nigel_Lake would if only the whole drama would have been stopped by the massacre of Columbus and his shock troops, sorry, "explorers."
I want independance from European values. Which means USA/Canada.
Yes, I'm a bit radical that way. It isn't likely to happen, but this continent should not be ruled by European mores at all.
Not even remotely one tiny bit.
@benroyce @sendtherunners @paninid @RoguePlayer @tinydoctor @sirjofri @Nigel_Lake would if only the whole drama would have been stopped by the massacre of Columbus and his shock troops, sorry, "explorers."
I want independance from European values. Which means USA/Canada.
Yes, I'm a bit radical that way. It isn't likely to happen, but this continent should not be ruled by European mores at all.
Not even remotely one tiny bit.
@csgraves @benroyce @sendtherunners @RoguePlayer @tinydoctor @sirjofri @Nigel_Lake
The European #Enlightenment learned of #egalitarian values from the indigenous / First Nations people.
Not even the #Renaissance brought that about.
@csgraves @benroyce @sendtherunners @RoguePlayer @tinydoctor @sirjofri @Nigel_Lake
The European #Enlightenment learned of #egalitarian values from the indigenous / First Nations people.
Not even the #Renaissance brought that about.
@paninid @csgraves @sendtherunners @RoguePlayer @tinydoctor @sirjofri @Nigel_Lake
we owe our Constitution (now being destroyed by orange turd) to the checks and balances govt system of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy (Iroquois)
who says? me?
no, Congress:
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