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Valve's monthly survey reveals that almost 45% of Steam users on PC are still using Windows 10 even with the sword of Damocles hanging over them
Revert then. This is exactly what Microsoft are counting on, that people will simply go "oh well" and just carry on with Windows 11, because any effort needed to move away is too much effort. Prove them wrong. Stand up for yourself.wrote 22 days ago last edited byY'all are crazy. This is a holy crusade lol
Y'all are crazy. This is a holy crusade lolwrote 22 days ago last edited byTIL having self-respect is "crazy" and a "holy crusade." What a fucking simp you are. Sad.
wrote 22 days ago last edited byThey recently made changes so that you can't easily upgrade anymore. I think you still can if you find the right hoops to jump through but this exact issue came up recently
This post did not contain any content.wrote 22 days ago last edited byFor the curious I’ve found bazzite to be the best and easiest Linux repo for gaming
TIL having self-respect is "crazy" and a "holy crusade." What a fucking simp you are. Sad.wrote 22 days ago last edited byLemmy be toxic yo
This post did not contain any content.wrote 22 days ago last edited byYeah, but this happens with every version. Windows 7 still had a big market share up until MSFT cut off support. Users are going to bitch and complain and talk about switching to Linux, but eventually just install the next Windows version.
I built a new gaming PC and installed Linux on it. After years of threatening to do it, I finally followed through and made the switch.wrote 22 days ago last edited byI just bought a laptop last year (portability and space constraints, I'd love to build a pc when I have the space for it) and it was supposed to come with windows 10. I got a windows 11 model shipped to me. I didn't ask for this. And I have to say.... I fucking hate it. Why does the start menu need to change locations... My next computer will absolutely be Linux, and it's Microsoft's own stupid fault. Windows 10 WAS supposed to be my last windows OS...
For the curious I’ve found bazzite to be the best and easiest Linux repo for gamingwrote 22 days ago last edited byAbout to install it on my new rig. I am using Mint, which is fantastic and it stays on my other PC, just wanted to try the nice baked in gaming features.
This is a good overview though I wouldn't know how to do the specifics like get pro (I have 10 home), or deactivate all the infringing stuff. What's the UK trick? Is that just a better version or something?wrote 22 days ago last edited byhttps://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows11 Download multi version ISO Windows settings has all the privacy stuff but they ask you to approve (or not) a bunch of it on installation The UK trick makes you "a European" and there's a bunch of laws that restricts the bullshit...
For the curious I’ve found bazzite to be the best and easiest Linux repo for gamingwrote 22 days ago last edited byInstalled Bazzite this weekend, most the games I've tested run fine and the OS is quite pretty. Microsoft forcing everyone to Spware OS after Steam released several versions or Proton are the one-two punch that will help tons of people move to Linux.
Found a copy on [archive.org](https://archive.org/details/Windows10EnterpriseLTSC202164Bit). After that, you just need a KMS activator. Massgrave's is typically the recommended one.wrote 22 days ago last edited byNgl that looks sketchy as fuck. Definitely gonna check the hash on that one if I can.
Microsoft said Windows 10 would be the last version I'd ever use. They didn't know how right they were. I've been gradually switching to Linux, and will absolutely never use Windows 11 or any other version they put out.wrote 22 days ago last edited byI upgraded to Windows 11 on my gaming rig two days ago, and at the same time I switched the default boot option to Linux. Let's see how this pans out. I'll still need Windows around for specific games, but the ones I usually play seem to work on Linux.
Microsoft said Windows 10 would be the last version I'd ever use. They didn't know how right they were. I've been gradually switching to Linux, and will absolutely never use Windows 11 or any other version they put out.wrote 22 days ago last edited byJust like a Linux user to tell everyone they use Linux. Classic.
I finally upgraded to 11 last week by accident. Apparently one misclick means straight to next version with no cancel. So after the upgrade first thing I did was get o&o shutup10 to kill the spywares. P.s. I know I can revert. But that's also effort.wrote 22 days ago last edited byMiss click? You could've read what it said though.
TIL having self-respect is "crazy" and a "holy crusade." What a fucking simp you are. Sad.wrote 22 days ago last edited byWhy don't you go smoke some weed you angry little man
This post did not contain any content.wrote 22 days ago last edited byThe whole point of the Sword of Damocles was that the threat was always looming and Damocles didn't know when it might fall. We know exactly when Microsoft says they are going to drop support. There's a decent chance that they'll push that date back due to slow adoption at least once. This is more about rats not fleeing the sinking ship until the sea has reached the bow.
Ngl that looks sketchy as fuck. Definitely gonna check the hash on that one if I can.wrote 22 days ago last edited byYou can also get the iso direct from Massgrave's site, along with the KMS activator. Your choice, but I do expect the people behind the Internet Archive to have checked for malware in some capacity. They do have a legitimate research and archivist reputation to uphold.
I just bought a laptop last year (portability and space constraints, I'd love to build a pc when I have the space for it) and it was supposed to come with windows 10. I got a windows 11 model shipped to me. I didn't ask for this. And I have to say.... I fucking hate it. Why does the start menu need to change locations... My next computer will absolutely be Linux, and it's Microsoft's own stupid fault. Windows 10 WAS supposed to be my last windows OS...wrote 22 days ago last edited byWin 11 is the reason I finally decided to switch. My work gave us all Win 11 machines and I hate it. Fortunately I don't do too much on my computer besides gaming so Steam can do all the heavy lifting for me
The whole point of the Sword of Damocles was that the threat was always looming and Damocles didn't know when it might fall. We know exactly when Microsoft says they are going to drop support. There's a decent chance that they'll push that date back due to slow adoption at least once. This is more about rats not fleeing the sinking ship until the sea has reached the bow.wrote 22 days ago last edited byMore like rats not joining a leaking ship. I've been through enough windows upgrades to know: Don't be the first! You'll only end up paying to be a software tester for a product MS had to ship before it's ready to keep the shareholders happy.
Yeah, but this happens with every version. Windows 7 still had a big market share up until MSFT cut off support. Users are going to bitch and complain and talk about switching to Linux, but eventually just install the next Windows version.wrote 22 days ago last edited byI think most users just get a new device eventually. So as long the OEM have to get Ms licenses. Windows will still be around.