A forum for discussing and organizing recreational softball and baseball games and leagues in the greater Halifax area.
GameStop announces plans to sell off French and Canadian outlets, while its CEO yells about 'Wokeness and DEI' in bizarre, self-defeating promotion
I think people underestimate the mental health benefits of never thinking about whether number you can’t control or predict go up or down.wrote 22 days ago last edited byYup. I buy broad index funds, and the only time I need to think about it is when I do my taxes. I check more often, but more out of curiosity than anything (I like seeing line go up).
I have some bad news about farmers for you...wrote 22 days ago last edited byThe elites don't want you to know this, but you can grow your own plants
I'm glad some people understand beyond the headlines, I think NFTs could be really neat as a way to have some sort of in-game item or w/e, fully transferable and all that
️ Especially since most nfts I'm aware of are on the ethererum blockchain, which now uses orders of magnitude less electricity from the switch off of PoW
wrote 22 days ago last edited byExactly! It would even be cool to have common ownership _between_ games, like if I bought a license for a cool skin and the dev/modder made the skin compatible with a bunch of other games. The game would just check if I own that particular IP, and the load the appropriate data that corresponds to in the game. It would also be cool to buy and sell houses w/o having to go through a title company ($$$). If deeds were on a blockchain, the state could just look up ownership info and bill whoever the current owner is when tax season rolls around. There are already mechanisms for managing liens and whatnot (smart contracts), so I could completely skip the corrupt financial industry. The same is true for a ton of other things. NFTs could be an _amazing_ technology to simplify a ton of real life things. As long as people agree to a given blockchain, transactions would be incredibly straightforward. But no, scammers had to go and mismarket it, rich people had to use it for money laundering, and governments had to go on attack mode. This is why we can't have nice things. -
> just for it to double or triple again Wow, talk about sunk cost fallacy...wrote 22 days ago last edited byNah my initial investment wasn't nearly as much in Bitcoin...
Nah my initial investment wasn't nearly as much in Bitcoin...wrote 22 days ago last edited byThe amount of the investment is irrelevant, what's important is the expected future return. Do you _expect_ GME to increase faster than other options in some time frame? If not, sell it and invest in something with a higher expected return. Likewise for Bitcoin. Whether something is currently up or down is irrelevant, as is the amount of your investment. The only relevant detail is the expected return and risk (variation) in the investment. Anything else is just gambling.
wrote 22 days ago last edited byWhat do you mean unproven social media claims? the $4 billion in cash is in their quarterly earnings: https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/static-files/2c1eac18-9f79-41b9-9e56-a8db8fe7aac4 Pretty easy to verify yourself.
The amount of the investment is irrelevant, what's important is the expected future return. Do you _expect_ GME to increase faster than other options in some time frame? If not, sell it and invest in something with a higher expected return. Likewise for Bitcoin. Whether something is currently up or down is irrelevant, as is the amount of your investment. The only relevant detail is the expected return and risk (variation) in the investment. Anything else is just gambling.wrote 22 days ago last edited byOr you can stop thinking about it like a little douche bag and understand some people just don't give a fuck...
What do you mean unproven social media claims? the $4 billion in cash is in their quarterly earnings: https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/static-files/2c1eac18-9f79-41b9-9e56-a8db8fe7aac4 Pretty easy to verify yourself.wrote 22 days ago last edited byThat would be a valid assessment if the stock price had jumped **after** the quarterly earnings. Their stock price jumped *before* the quarterly earnings was announced. It has nothing to do with it, nor any of their fundamentals Also notice: Cash flow is neutral or negative and has been for a while now. Revenue peaked in 2018 is now less than 62% of that peak. Revenue per quarter is also down 11% year over year. Company lost 34 million dollars last quarter, and has not had a positive operating income since feb 2018. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/money/watchlist?tab=Related&id=a1tyxm&duration=1Y&src=b_fingraph&relatedQuoteId=a1tyxm&relatedSource=MlAl&l3=L3_Financials
This post did not contain any content.wrote 22 days ago last edited byDump the stonks!
Good luck man. What happened last time they got a huge influx of cash from retail traders? From what I read they wasted it in NFTs. Now they're wasting it on trading cards. The company is floundering. Surviving purely from generational nostalgia at this point. When that runs out the rug will be pulled.wrote 22 days ago last edited byThey never bought NFTs, they built a website for trading NFTs. Very minimal expense that's already written off as it got banned by the US govt
This post did not contain any content.wrote 22 days ago last edited byHis company is alive thanks to a meme. Get fucked, CEO
This post did not contain any content.wrote 22 days ago last edited byIt has nothing to do with his being an abject failure as a CEO. Nope. Nothing at all.
That would be a valid assessment if the stock price had jumped **after** the quarterly earnings. Their stock price jumped *before* the quarterly earnings was announced. It has nothing to do with it, nor any of their fundamentals Also notice: Cash flow is neutral or negative and has been for a while now. Revenue peaked in 2018 is now less than 62% of that peak. Revenue per quarter is also down 11% year over year. Company lost 34 million dollars last quarter, and has not had a positive operating income since feb 2018. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/money/watchlist?tab=Related&id=a1tyxm&duration=1Y&src=b_fingraph&relatedQuoteId=a1tyxm&relatedSource=MlAl&l3=L3_Financialswrote 22 days ago last edited byEven if they continue loosing $34-million each quarter, it will take over 33 years to go bankrupt with the current $4.6-billion cash on hand. Seriously though, I see that earnings per share was positive for 2024. How is that possible if revenue has been negative since 2018?
Even if it's not worth it to you personally, it's still a good deed to sell stock in a company when their CEO does something like this. Every sell sends a small message.wrote 22 days ago last edited byA sell doesn't happen without a buyer on the other end. It's a wash when it comes to messaging.
Exactly! It would even be cool to have common ownership _between_ games, like if I bought a license for a cool skin and the dev/modder made the skin compatible with a bunch of other games. The game would just check if I own that particular IP, and the load the appropriate data that corresponds to in the game. It would also be cool to buy and sell houses w/o having to go through a title company ($$$). If deeds were on a blockchain, the state could just look up ownership info and bill whoever the current owner is when tax season rolls around. There are already mechanisms for managing liens and whatnot (smart contracts), so I could completely skip the corrupt financial industry. The same is true for a ton of other things. NFTs could be an _amazing_ technology to simplify a ton of real life things. As long as people agree to a given blockchain, transactions would be incredibly straightforward. But no, scammers had to go and mismarket it, rich people had to use it for money laundering, and governments had to go on attack mode. This is why we can't have nice things.wrote 22 days ago last edited byYep, completely agree
This post did not contain any content.wrote 22 days ago last edited byTrading in my points and cancelling my membership this weekend. 95K points should get me a few fun things before I never ship there again.
I agree that selling a $100 stock doesn't hurt the company $100 -- but it does hurt them some amount between $0 and $100 which I don't feel qualified to calculate. The ultimate reason that stocks go down is because people sell.wrote 22 days ago last edited byAfter the stock is sold by the company it's completely disconnected. No money to or from the company, no message sent. The only way it'll hurt them is if they try another offering where they sell new shares and the stock price is low, which will be announced beforehand. Or if they want to buy them back, which probably won't happen. Keep the shares or sell them. GS won't care.
This post did not contain any content.wrote 22 days ago last edited byafter all that effort from the WSB community to save the company.
Not since Ryan Cohen gave the shorts everything they wanted with the stock sale last year and had absolutely nothing to show for it like a new product or acquisition. Ryan Cohen betrayed his core investors and did something that was supposed to be impossible. He turned a MACD Golden cross into a death cross with a stock sale. Impossible because it would take considerable timing, and back door dealing that is still illegal, in order for it to happen. GameStop dead. Ryan selling assets cuz the ship ain't righted, and he ain't got a better plan. Shrink the business and rip off the small guys that invested.wrote 22 days ago last edited byi remember how the wsb sub was little thirsting for him.
This post did not contain any content.wrote 22 days ago last edited byis it me or conservative always freak out when thier R politician wins an election, did not think the things they are railing against was happening,.