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GameStop announces plans to sell off French and Canadian outlets, while its CEO yells about 'Wokeness and DEI' in bizarre, self-defeating promotion
Can't cancel what I never did. GameStop routinely has terrible prices, poor selection (in my area), and mediocre service. I buy most of my used games from eBay, and most of my new games from Target (when on sale). Screw GameStop...wrote 20 days ago last edited byThe WSB campaign to save it made no sense to me. So many better companies have gone under.
I have some bad news about farmers for you...wrote 20 days ago last edited byFarmer's market farmers generally aren't from giant corporate farms. They *can* have a white supremacy issue though. https://indianapublicmedia.org/news/local-farmers-still-feel-effects-five-years-on-from-issues-of-racism-at-city-market.php
It's a bad sign that you know the CEO's name.wrote 20 days ago last edited byAre you retarded? Honestly I don't even want to expand on that, are you retarded??
He's just pissed his company is on life support, and that WSB just dragged out the inevitable.wrote 20 days ago last edited byAll it had going for it was the over-short-sold theory, which was sound but not enough to prevent the billionaires from just adjusting the way they play the game. The idea to become a focal point for gaming (instead of just a place to buy games and other shit) might have worked but I never saw any changes at all in that direction in any gamestops I visited. Just shelves full of products I only kinda want. And a lot of space dedicated to funkopops, which I don't understand why anyone wants. Does anyone even still want them at this point? I don't think I've every seen someone buying one.
A sell doesn't happen without a buyer on the other end. It's a wash when it comes to messaging.wrote 20 days ago last edited byit's not a wash, because you sell for a different price than you bought at.
it's not a wash, because you sell for a different price than you bought at.wrote 20 days ago last edited byI'm not saying it's a wash in terms of price. Instead, I'm saying it doesn't send a message through some tally of sells for the day, because buys and sells are at a 1:1 ratio.
I'm not saying it's a wash in terms of price. Instead, I'm saying it doesn't send a message through some tally of sells for the day, because buys and sells are at a 1:1 ratio.wrote 20 days ago last edited byOh yeah, definitely. I didn't mean about a tally of sells.
It's a bad sign that you know the CEO's name.wrote 19 days ago last edited byYou didn't answer my question, just downvoted. Are you retarded? You'd have to be to leave that comment in reply to mine on this thread.
what an odd thing to say for a company that employs millions of minorities. sold my stock and wont be supporting chewy eitherwrote 19 days ago last edited byThe peak employment number for GME was 27,000
You didn't answer my question, just downvoted. Are you retarded? You'd have to be to leave that comment in reply to mine on this thread.wrote 19 days ago last edited byYou're on a first name basis with the CEO of Gamestop despite never having met him. Who here is intellectually deficient?
You're on a first name basis with the CEO of Gamestop despite never having met him. Who here is intellectually deficient?wrote 19 days ago last edited bySo just to be clear, you think it's crazy that I know a name from the article? That's what you're saying? Definitely retarded.
You're on a first name basis with the CEO of Gamestop despite never having met him. Who here is intellectually deficient?wrote 19 days ago last edited byGod damn. That's honestly one of the dumbest fucking takes I've seen, and we're living in Trump 2.0. You're impressively unintelligent.
God damn. That's honestly one of the dumbest fucking takes I've seen, and we're living in Trump 2.0. You're impressively unintelligent.wrote 19 days ago last edited bySays the guy who's passionate and on a first name basis with the CEO of a game store chain.
Says the guy who's passionate and on a first name basis with the CEO of a game store chain.wrote 19 days ago last edited byOh. OH! I'm taking the bait. Bravo. I still think you're retarded for being a troll on the Internet when there's so much else you could be doing, but good job rustling my jimmies.
Oh. OH! I'm taking the bait. Bravo. I still think you're retarded for being a troll on the Internet when there's so much else you could be doing, but good job rustling my jimmies.wrote 18 days ago last edited byAll I did was point out your weird parasocial relationship with a CEO of a game store company. It's very strange how you reacted to that. You must realize just how weird it is, how empty your life is. Get help dude.
Yeah, about the ”authorities”….wrote 17 days ago last edited byPublicly traded companies misrepresenting their finances, especially to this claimed extent, are not tolerated and are dealt with harshly.
Good luck man. What happened last time they got a huge influx of cash from retail traders? From what I read they wasted it in NFTs. Now they're wasting it on trading cards. The company is floundering. Surviving purely from generational nostalgia at this point. When that runs out the rug will be pulled.wrote 17 days ago last edited by> Now they’re wasting it on trading cards. I think you might need to do a bit of reading and research about the Pokemon TCG market. They should be pouring as much money as they can into it. With their brand name and reach they should be able to get a lot of stock from suppliers, and it can make them massive, massive profit. Pokemon TCG is the hottest product on the market, with new stuff selling for 4x RRP on day 1.