A forum for discussing and organizing recreational softball and baseball games and leagues in the greater Halifax area.
We're always on task at our table
We were forced online for this session and during the classic "Wait, I can't move my token" "Here, let me sort this out for you" moment, I realized I had control of... a torch.
R RPGMemes shared this topic
We were forced online for this session and during the classic "Wait, I can't move my token" "Here, let me sort this out for you" moment, I realized I had control of... a torch.
We were forced online for this session and during the classic "Wait, I can't move my token" "Here, let me sort this out for you" moment, I realized I had control of... a torch.During my last R20 D&D campaign, the DM gave me a bunch of spell effect tokens so my wizard could accurately mark where spells hit. During other players turns, I'd have lil conversations between the wizard and his spells in chat. It was good silly fun, thanks to Roll20's bizarre design choices.
I've never seen someone else play D&D without being absolutely baffled at what kind of rules they use. Come to think of it, it's not that rare to play a game like Settlers of Catan or even Uno with new people and also find that they have been following completely made up rules without realizing it.
We were forced online for this session and during the classic "Wait, I can't move my token" "Here, let me sort this out for you" moment, I realized I had control of... a torch.Poor Sildar...