- had enough meetings, which stopped me from actually doing work with the pain in my back
- had enough meetings, which stopped me from actually doing work with the pain in my back
- another round of binge watching #PrisonBreak, which more and more turns into #BurnNotice
- managed to get up from bed with some hours of sleep and pain killers in the night, after not being able to leave it directly after laying down in the evening
#3GoodThings #ThreeGoodThings -
- had enough meetings, which stopped me from actually doing work with the pain in my back
- another round of binge watching #PrisonBreak, which more and more turns into #BurnNotice
- managed to get up from bed with some hours of sleep and pain killers in the night, after not being able to leave it directly after laying down in the evening
#3GoodThings #ThreeGoodThingsI'm assuming the original Prison Break, not sure if there are newer versions..
I was familiar with Dominic Purcell only because he played the title character in John Doe, a guy who washed up at a beach and knew everything except who he was.
The series had promise but was cancelled after one season.