[@Kichae](/user/kichae%40community.nodebb.org) said in [Organizing the many worlds you're part of through NodeBB](https://community.nodebb.org/post/103739):
> But man, do I ever desperately want the bulletin board experience in /world. It really feels like what the fediverse was always meant to be, to me.
I've been inspired by some teaser images from [@johnonolan@mastodon.xyz](https://community.nodebb.org/user/johnonolan%40mastodon.xyz)'s Ghost blog, which physically segregates microblogging content apart from long-form content (e.g. blogs).
Forum topics fit somewhere in the middle, although since title and body are present we tend to align more with long-form content.
It's a really neat idea I'd like to play around with more.