Mario Bros.
Literally every gamer has played it or a game like it. Even non gamers recognise it. It's copied and iterated on to this day.
It certainly wasn't the first 2D platformer, but it's success made everyone else go "that's what we're making now"
It's apparently pretty rough and "doesn't represent final game quality", so get ready for the day one patch to fix exactly none of the issues in this build, and instead just ram a bunch of pointless funbucks in there instead.
I'm not sure I've had a single console game where that's the case. Everything has multiple GBs to install from disc.
Closest is the Spyro Trilogy that only had the first of the games on the disc. But what else do you expect from Activision...
Every single Amazon product is a half-arsed mess off things that barely function. They're basically just a delivery company that charges a percentage of the package value now.