[@bh4-tech](https://community.nodebb.org/user/bh4-tech) can you supply the URLs you tried to follow please?

A forum for discussing and organizing recreational softball and baseball games and leagues in the greater Halifax area.
Categories following Federated Accounts? -
Strange Follow request difference[@eeeee](/user/eeeee%40community.nodebb.org) there's no difference in follows if you're admin vs non-admin. -
Strange Follow request difference[@eeeee](/user/eeeee%40community.nodebb.org) follows do need to be accepted, although it's configurable. Most software auto accepts, but delays in messaging mean sometimes the requests or responses get lost. Cancel that follow and try again, and it might be accepted. You see the settings cog because you're an admin on your instance. -
Fediverse, one account for everything?[@eeeee](/user/eeeee%40community.nodebb.org) You wait for me to overhaul the entire `/world`/category UX so that you can "browse" to [@medicine@mander.xyz](https://community.nodebb.org/user/medicine%40mander.xyz) from your NodeBB itself. -
Fediverse, one account for everything?[@eeeee](/user/eeeee%40community.nodebb.org) it is likely due to `audience`. So, what happens on your end is you make a topic and mention the Lemmy community. When NodeBB federates that post out, the Lemmy community is included in the mentions, but it also specifies your category 18, World Chat, in `audience`. If Lemmy sees that, and it doesn't know about that community already, it will drop the activity immediately. If it _does_, then it will likely slot the post into the "World Chat on isurg.com" community on that Lemmy instance. Lemmy removed `audience` checking, so this might be a non-issue. Once that Lemmy instance updates to the latest version, it'll hopefully post to the correct community. That's a tricky one, though, because which community _should_ it post to? * "Medicine" on mander.xyz, or * "World Chat" on isurg.com? -
Mainstream adoption of ActivityPub vs. DIY indie hacking[@reiver@mastodon.social](https://community.nodebb.org/user/reiver%40mastodon.social) no, I am not, I have just been following the `fediversehouse` hashtag -
Mainstream adoption of ActivityPub vs. DIY indie hacking[@hamishcampbell@mastodon.social](https://community.nodebb.org/user/hamishcampbell%40mastodon.social) recently made a statement that got me thinking about our place in the open social web, and the direction it's going. He says to [@deadsuperhero@social.wedistribute.org](https://community.nodebb.org/user/deadsuperhero%40social.wedistribute.org) and [@evan@cosocial.ca](https://community.nodebb.org/user/evan%40cosocial.ca) re: SXSW > #FediverseHouse this feels like an irrelevant echo chamber, I really miss the grassroots #DIY that built this space in the first place. This #maistreaming is too much noise vs signal... currently the grassroots #DIY space is a hollow shell _(two posts combined)_ That immediately got me on edge as someone new to ActivityPub in 2024. Does this mean I'm "mainstream", and somehow "bad"? Mainstream adoption is **good** and a step in the right direction. I personally think ActivityPub isn't ready for general mainstream consumption, but we as a group are rapidly closing the gap and I'd much rather continue building momentum instead of waiting for the opportune moment. Here's the hot take that I was going to originally write, but thought came off as too combative: > It sounds like you feel like ActivityPub development only counts when you're toiling away in obscurity. As someone who's hacking away on a platform that hasn't been "mainstream" for over a decade (forum/BBS software), I bristle at the notion that what I do doesn't count as grassroots or DIY. You don't have to be the perpetual underdog to do good in the world. I might be wrong, but it sounds like Hamish feels like big players are coming in and taking the ball away... that big players' clout and presence takes away from the attention that smaller DIY projects receive. Maybe... but if the fediverse is 100x larger with a big player, and they take 99% of the eyeballs, have they really taken anything away from you? -
Organizing the many worlds you're part of through NodeBB[@Kichae](/user/kichae%40community.nodebb.org) said in [Organizing the many worlds you're part of through NodeBB](https://community.nodebb.org/post/103739): > But man, do I ever desperately want the bulletin board experience in /world. It really feels like what the fediverse was always meant to be, to me. I've been inspired by some teaser images from [@johnonolan@mastodon.xyz](https://community.nodebb.org/user/johnonolan%40mastodon.xyz)'s Ghost blog, which physically segregates microblogging content apart from long-form content (e.g. blogs). Forum topics fit somewhere in the middle, although since title and body are present we tend to align more with long-form content. It's a really neat idea I'd like to play around with more. -
Recommend object URL should 301 to AP resource[@johnonolan@mastodon.xyz](https://community.nodebb.org/user/johnonolan%40mastodon.xyz) no worries, and thanks! Will do. -
Organizing the many worlds you're part of through NodeBBI post stuff to the _Uncategorized_ category all the time, and it works decently well but suffers from a negative association by default. Posting something to "uncategorized" seems slightly wrong, and I'm not sure whether it's nomenclatural or something else. A much better UX flow would be for you to post directly to a remote category. 🤯 -
Organizing the many worlds you're part of through NodeBBTo that end, being able to browse additional forums from the comfort (and theme) of your own forum is quite desirable. It would be really interesting to see this play out with Lemmy communities and other forums focused on one specific topic. -
Organizing the many worlds you're part of through NodeBB[@malte@forum.fedi.dk](https://community.nodebb.org/user/malte%40forum.fedi.dk) lots to unpack here. I'll try my best. You certainly can use NodeBB as your main gateway to the fediverse. I do, with this account. I will admit that more "power user" features are not well represented yet. The idea that there are disparate categories that ought to be visible/followable is an important one to implement, but also to get right. Right now when you follow a category, it's represented as a user on NodeBB. That's just the way it was done, but as I sit with that decision daily I'm coming to the realization that that's not the ideal way to represent it. It is almost certainly my next focus for NodeBB. -
Categories following Federated Accounts?[@frankm@linux-nerds.org](https://community.nodebb.org/user/frankm%40linux-nerds.org) this is now done. Turns out I wasn't actually stopping a category from following a user, so that didn't need rolling back. https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues/13232 [@hamiller@forum.wedistribute.org](https://community.nodebb.org/user/hamiller%40forum.wedistribute.org) using a hashtag is probably also something I should allow categories to follow, although that's local-only to the instance because of how hashtags work. Either way I didn't want to restrict a valid use case -
Categories following Federated Accounts?[@frankm@linux-nerds.org](https://community.nodebb.org/user/frankm%40linux-nerds.org) the reason why I'm hesitant about this is because allowing a category to follow a user bakes in the assumption that _everything the user posts is relevant_. If you're following something like the linux foundation that's a pretty safe bet for a Linux category, but what if you follow a user and they start sharing or posting about unrelated things, like what they had for breakfast, etc.? That's where things could get messy. ---- **But**, I absolutely lovethe idea of creating a category and making it sort of like a curated channel based around one idea. This is the kind of cool stuff I want to see!
Categories following Federated Accounts?[@CWSmith](https://community.nodebb.org/user/cwsmith) not _right now_, no. A category can only follow other accounts that identify themselves as "Group". This is to take advantage of synchronization logic that regular users don't supply (and even then not all groups do either). However I'll keep this workflow in mind, it's an interesting idea! -
Recommend object URL should 301 to AP resource[@johnonolan@mastodon.xyz](https://community.nodebb.org/user/johnonolan%40mastodon.xyz) A solution is only needed if the resource id is different from the URL (which in Ghost's case, is true). You don't _have_ to use a redirect. If your software is capable of doing it, you can serve the ActivityPub object directly from that route's controller; that's what NodeBB does. -
Recommend object URL should 301 to AP resource[@silverpill@mitra.social](https://community.nodebb.org/user/silverpill%40mitra.social) 302/307 is also fine by me. Probably safer from being accidentally cached and may be more appropriate in this situation. -
Recommend object URL should 301 to AP resource[@rimu@piefed.social](https://community.nodebb.org/user/rimu%40piefed.social) yes, that's right. I'm specifically referring to object _urls_ though, which tend to be more user facing. -
Recommend object URL should 301 to AP resource[@evan@cosocial.ca](https://community.nodebb.org/user/evan%40cosocial.ca) this was to ask the mentioned parties for Ghost and Discourse to implement. I mentioned you to keep you in the loop because task forces achieve nothing without implementors doing the work. -
Recommend object URL should 301 to AP resourceWanted to start a convo with [@johnonolan@mastodon.xyz](https://community.nodebb.org/user/johnonolan%40mastodon.xyz) from Ghost and [@angus@socialhub.activitypub.rocks](https://community.nodebb.org/user/angus%40socialhub.activitypub.rocks) from Discourse about AP resource discovery. A common use case from fediverse users is to be linked out to a site, and attempt to "bring it in" to their local instance/app of choice. This is done by taking the browser URL and pasting it into their site/app's search bar, or equivalent. For example: * Ghost: https://activitypub.ghost.org/warp-factor-5-mr-sulu/ * Discourse: any forum topic For context, last night I discovered that Ghost's latest blog post didn't make it into NodeBB, due to a bug on my end. I attempted to resolve it via URL but there was no AP resource at that URL. I ended up having to query the instance actor (which I _happened to already know_), and looking at the outbox. To my knowledge there is **no way** to find a Discourse post or topic's AP resource ID without having a local Discourse account. Would it be possible for you to send back an `HTTP 301 Moved Permanently` (or similar) if the `Accepts` header contains one of the AP-related types? N.B. This probably has some overlap with [@evan@cosocial.ca](https://community.nodebb.org/user/evan%40cosocial.ca)'s [HTTP Discovery Task Force](https://swicg.github.io/activitypub-html-discovery/#url-as-input), a 308 is recommended there.