A forum for discussing and organizing recreational softball and baseball games and leagues in the greater Halifax area.
All known topics
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https://www.lovenhl.com/1337759/ Paul Cotter scores a goal against the Columbus Blue Jackets #Goals #NewJerseyDevils #NewJerseyDevilsVs.ColumbusBlueJackets #PacificDivision #PaulCotter #VegasGoldenKnights #WesternConference
Maple Leafs Prospect's Stock Rises Following Fraser Minten's Departure #NHL #LeafsForever https://www.hockeypatrol.com/nhl-team/toronto-maple-leafs/maple-leafs-prospect-stock-rises-following-fraser-minten-departure?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
https://www.lovenhl.com/1337753/ “I’ve Liked Playing With Him” | Tage Thompson On Josh Norris, Buffalo Sabres Win Over Oilers #AtlanticDivision #Buffalo #BuffaloSabres #DowntownBuffalo #EasternConference #hockey #KeyBankCenter #NationalHockeyLeague #Ne...
https://www.lovenhl.com/1337747/ Paul Maurice: Florida Panthers in Boston with Brad Marchand, Ekblad Suspended ##FlaPanthers ##marchandfla #AaronEkblad #AtlanticDivision #Boston #BostonBruins #BradMarchand #Bruins #EasternConference #ekblad #Fhn #Flori...