The clay is textured and the glaze is semi transparent, this creates the pattern and sense of depth.
I got one for my husband and he loves it. -
Like an ant on a wire@heavyimage @friesen5000 @zoec
Hubertus Bigend always wears this annoying blue suit jacket and his "media" "company" is called Blue Ant. (It's a creepy advertising agency.)
So he has a famous blue ant coat.
Like an ant on a wire@heavyimage @friesen5000 @zoec
Is this a Gibson reference?
Leonard CoantLeonard Coant
Wanting to live in the end times is kind of cowardly since it absolves of you of the burden of building a better future.This place is really the reverse twitter for real.
Sadly, our cat caught an anole today.Nice song! (and video!)
Sadly, our cat caught an anole today.Yeah. Those are Paratrechina longicornis (the common name "longhorn ants" might be OK.)
Sadly, our cat caught an anole today.It looks great! Are they sped up?
Sadly, our cat caught an anole today.The first group of ants were probably trying to get it far enough away that these ants wouldn't take over. Sometimes they will bury a large item like that. I would have loved to watch "the change over"
Paratrechina longicornis likes to run around in the sun and stay warm. Might come back when the sun is out again.
Sadly, our cat caught an anole today.About this size? I'm becoming more confident these could be Paratrechina longicornis (aka "crazy ants" but please don't call them that, there are ants from like five different genuses that go by that common name. It's no good. )
Sadly, our cat caught an anole today.I'm putting my money on Paratrechina longicornis you can see the "long cornis" on this one right here:
Sadly, our cat caught an anole today.I'm glad the anole got away. Poor little guy. I would like to identify these ants, but going just on size and gaster shape alone is risky. They look very small. Were they especially small (for ants)? It could be Monomorium sp. but they could also be Paratrechina longicornis which is invasive, but largely naturalized.
The social carrying makes me think it's Paratrechina longicornis (aka "crazy ants" though that common name is no good it's used for too many sp.)
Like an ant on a wireIt helps that every hole is *technically* an "ant-shaped" hole. (given sufficient ants)
#Knitting report: 1/3 of the blanket done.I'm just sayin'
Q-Bert Pattern
As a second original pattern I decided to share my pattern of Q-Bert with you! Even if I never lived the golden age of the arcades, I...
You can't goat back, but you can moov forward. -
Like an ant on a wireSo long merry ant!
It's time that we began
to dig and pry, and dig pry
until we all get in again! -
Like an ant on a wireWell it worked? He's very friendly looking.
Like an ant on a wireRelease the queens who still have wings
Forget a perfect day of spring
we'll find the cracks, the cracks in everything...
that's how the ants get in. -
Like an ant on a wireIs there a market for Leonard Cohen lyrics rebranded to be ant-themed?
That question is moot. Market or no, there is an ant-shaped hole in the world of music and I must fill it.
Like an ant on a wireLike an ant on a wire
like Solenopsis spitting straight fire
I have tried
in my way
to haul leaf.