Learn Double Play Technique with Francisco Lindor - Antonelli Baseball -
Just testing
Everything is ahowing up here fine, feom all sides -
Softball Infield Mechanics - Antonelli SoftballFielding a ground ball on the long hop: -
@testing-groundCategories are fedi groups, just like Guppe groups or Lemmy communitues.
Any nodBB v4 site can feserate like this, but not all will. Feseration is optional (as it is in most common fedi web engines, you just don't hear about the sites that turn it off), and for those that do federate, not all categories will necessarily do so (you can disable it on a category-by-category basis).
@activitypub Hey, thanks for the awesome ActivityPub support! I tried and couldn't find the video from here, either. I can follow your peertube account though. I wonder if it would ever receive a post from that account. I know that's an issue I've seen in Lemmy: Successfully following a channel, but never actually catching any of the channel content.
"If you ever watched #baseball as a kid, you likely wondered if you could hit a #MajorLeagueBaseball pitch." Give yourself some credit! I bet you could get it back to the pitcher with 500 PAs!
What Causes a "Push Swing" and How to Avoid It - Teacherman Hitting
3d Loading: How to Load Properly - Teacherman Hitting
How to Generate More Power in your Swing - Teacherman Hitting
Knob Up, not Knob Forward - Teacherman Hitting
The Corner - How to Create Snap in your Swing - Teacherman Hitting
When to be Applying Force in your Swing - Teacherman Hitting
Infield Footwork Drills - Antonelli Baseball
Tips to be a Better Infielder
How to Create More Bat Speed - Antonelli Baseball
The faster your bat is moving, the harder the ball will be hit. Especially in slowpitch, where the ball doesn't have much speed of its own to redirect.
Drill to Stop Casting and Stay Connected - Antonelli Baseball
When swinging, we want to keep our hands as close to our body as possible, but our natural impulse is to "throw" our hands at the ball. This slows our bat speed, robs us of power, and -- in baseball, at least -- pulls the bat off the plane of the pitch. This is a drill to help keep the hands in tight as you swing.
Double Play Infield Tips and Drills
Slow Roller Footwork - Antonelli Baseball
When Should You Load to Hit? - Antonelli Baseball
Infield Practice Picking Hops and Applying Tags